At the end of each calendar year, the Human Resource Development Center ( ), in its role as the National Agency for the Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps Programs, reviews projects joined in Bulgaria with the support of the two Programs. As a continuation of this tradition, on December 9, 2022 the Human Resources Development Center held a Valorization Conference on the theme “35 years of Erasmus”. At the Conference, the broad scope and full-value results of the projects implemented in Bulgaria in 2022 within the framework of the two programs were presented. I am pleased to inform that after the valorization, projects under the Erasmus+ Program and the European Solidarity Corps ended in 2022 the project of Bulgarian Association of Taekwon-Do “Youth Tolerance Squads” accomplished successfully with our partners from Greece, Slovenia and Northern Macedonia received high score and during the Conference was awarded with a Quality Mark.
It is important to note that Bulgarian Association of Taekwon-Do was the only sports organization among all others invited to the Valorization Conference, and this award is a very high appreciation for the efforts all our team dedicated to the development of Erasmus+ projects through the years.

Vencislav Ignatov
President of Bulgarian
Association of Taekwon-Do