Euros 2023 – Umpire Meeting

On April 24th at BT Arena Sports Hall, Cluj Napoca, Romania, took place the umpire meeting for the Junior and Senior European Championship, organized by the Romanian ITF Taekwon-Do Federation and the All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation.

The umpire meeting was leaded by the Umpire Committee Board, GM James Tjin a Ton, Master Sandy Dunbar and Sbn Attila Solti. Before the meeting officially started, two members of the Board of AETF, Vice President Master Virginia Dionisi and Secretary General Sbn Yavor Tasev, said a few words and thanked all the umpires for their commitment and hard work.

As promised by AETF President, Master Leo Oros Duek, and the AETF Board, all the umpires received during this act an AETF tie and a pin as a present, as recognition for their past and future support to the All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation.