From December 2, 2023 to February 25, 2024, the winter exam session of the Bulgarian Association of Taekwon-Do was held through the organization of 15 exam sessions with 480 participants from 20 clubs in the cities of Elin Pelin, Sofia, Stara Zagora, Novi Iskar, Burgas and German.
One of the most important exams was the one to grant I and II Dan, which was held at the beginning of the month of January and February. The black belt exam involved many aspects of the martial art, including the elements: vision and behavior, technique, kicks, flexibility, patterns, different types of sparring, special technique, self-defense, power test, theory and physical condition. After the exam, the examination panel evaluated the performances of the candidates in all individual elements and based on their overall performance, 11 of the candidates achieved new technical degree.
The applicants were tested by examination panels composed by three instructors from different clubs, and a total of 31 instructors were involved, who observed the correct course and correct assessment, in compliance with the rules for conduction of technical degree exam of Bulgarian Association of Taekwon-Do.

Vencislav Ignatov
BAT President