Dear members of the All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation,
It passed more than a year from the election of the new AETF Board of Directors and we really put a lot of efforts to deliver to you even better service than before.
We are more than happy to work and restore our activities in an environment without any Covid-19 restrictions, and almost all national and international competitions are back in the map across all Europe. Croatia delivered to our members fantastic European Championships in Porec with almost 600 competitors from 28 countries. Even not being an AETF event Slovenia hosted in Koper with great success the ITF World Cup where European competitors had the chance to show extremely high level of skills and preparation which is evident by the final classification by countries. This shows the professionalism and dedication of our instructors in Europe. I am very happy to lead a Federation who, in extremely short terms, managed to deal with the cancellation of one the main AETF events – the 2022 European Cup in Italy. Our Board together with our members from Bulgaria put a lot of efforts to deliver this event for you which was really important to keep the tradition of Taekwon-Do in our continent.
There are a lot of items which are not visible for everybody that our Federation is working on in order to be able to offer better conditions participation in our top competitions at any level as organizer, umpire, coach, competitor. I am sure soon you will enjoy the accomplishment of our ideas and we are sure that Romania will prepare for you outstanding European Championships in Cluj-Napoca.
Another significant element of our plan for development of AETF is to put more emphasis on the brand it is. I really believe that our Federation will have the power develop its own standard when every single one of you identifies yourself with the Federation. That’s why we start with small steps like creating our own ties, pins and more to follow up. It is very important to mention here the historical event for our organization – the First AETF Technical Course led by the Members of AETF Technical Committee. This first edition gathered 90 participants even out of borders of Europe and intends to become from virtual to face-to-face event.
I am happy that all Board members made numerous live and online meetings with AETF Committees and Country members which is sign that our members feel free to contact us and to share their opinion and suggestions to make our Federation better for all.
With wishes for Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Healthy and Prosperous New Year to you and all your families!
Master Leonardo Oros Duek
AETF President