Daniel Działa
Date of Birth: 31st July 1982
Place of Birth: Lubartów
Height: 183 cm
Weight: 80 kg
Occupation: 2nd year Enviroment Protection student at University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Coach: Jerzy Jedut VII Dan
Club: AGS MKS “Lewart” Lubartów
See interview with Daniel Działa [10 January 2009]

Neil Ernest
Date of Birth: November 11 1977
Place of Birth: Cardiff
Occupation: Taekwon-Do instructor
Degree: 2nd degree black belt
Years in Taekwon-Do: Since 1082/3 (22 years)
Favorite color: Black
Favorite music: R&B
Marital status: Married
See interview with Neil Ernest [15 February 2005]

David Warwick Kerr
Age: 26 years old.
Years in TKD: Started at the end of 1986 so it is 18 years now.
Degree: 3rd degree black belt.
Name of club and instructors: Academia Manuel dos Santos. Instructor: André Conchon. Also under the guidance of Paulo de Tarso Maltez, the Brazilian team coach.
Marital status: Single
See interview with David Kerr [12 September 2004]

Julia Cross
Age: 30 years old..
Degree: 3rd degree black belt.
Place of living (city and country): Bathgate, Scotland.
Occupation: Airport Dispatcher at Edinburgh Airport, TKD instructor.
Greatest achievements (Worlds and Euros): 3 World titles and 11 European titles.
Favourite colour, movie, artist: Purple, Pulp Fiction, R&B music from Wiliams to Usher.
See interview with Julia Cross [3 April 2004]