Solovey’s Sparring Seminar

The Taekwon-Do Academy SKUP Olomouc with the support of the Czech National Taekwon-Do Union ITF invites all interested to a full-day sparring seminar with Master Oleg Solovey, VII. Dan, Head Coach of the Ukrainian National Team and Mr. Vitaly Solovey, IV. Dan, multiple European and World Champion, European and World Cup winner. 

The seminar is open to children with technical grades 10 – 1. kup, juniors and seniors I. Dan and higher. Bring a Dobok, sparring protectors and who has, also a kick paddle.


  9:00 –   9:30 registration, 9:30 opening of seminar

  9:30 – 11:001st training part

11:30 – 13:002nd training part

13:00 – 14:30 lunch break

14:30 – 15:00 group photo shoot

15:00 – 17:303rd training part

Fee: Seminar Fee is 50 € (1.200 CZK). Fee will be paid cash on registration.

Application Form:

E-mail attached application form not later than 28th February 2023 to

Meals and accommodation:

The organizer does not provide accommodation. It is possible to order a hot lunch on the day of the seminar – it is necessary to report the number of persons together with the application form.

Responsibility for injury:

All competitors should have their own accident insurance. Organizer is not responsible for any injury and/or its consequence