All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation and Polish Taekwon-Do Association is pleased to announce that the registration of competitors, coaches, umpires, officials and accompanying persons for the 12th Open European Taekwon-Do Cup and the International Children’s Taekwon-Do Cup, which will be held on June 15-18, 2023 in Lublin, Poland open from March 15, 2023
To register participants for the above-mentioned event, the club administrator must log in to the ITF Online database available at: https://data.itftkd.sport/ and subsequently, in the SportData tab, select the registration of the appropriate event.
Clubs that do not have credentials in order to login and password in the ITF database must contact their National Association in their country to access their club profile.
The Open European Taekwon-Do Cup and the International Taekwon-Do Cup for Children Cup are two separate events on SportData.
The Open European Taekwon-Do Cup is available on the SportData website under the link:
The International Children’s Taekwon-Do Cup is available under the link:
Information about the Championships is available at www.itfeurope.org or on the Facebook profile at: https://www.facebook.com/AETFEuroCup2023 We encourage you to follow it and share it with your friends.
In case of any problems or doubts, please contact the organizing committee via the following e-mail. eurocup2023@pztkd.lublin.pl
Important dates:
26 March 2023 – Deadline for submission of judges’ applications
10 May 2023 – First deadline for booking accommodation
10 May 2023 – Deadline for payment of 50% for accommodation
15 May 2023 – Last date for making small changes to accommodation, paying 100% of hotel costs
28 May 2023 – End of online registration
We look forward to seeing you in Lublin in June