European Cup 2023 in Lublin, Poland – Deadline for accommodation is approaching

Dear Members,

The All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation and Polish Taekwon-Do Associaiton would like to remind that May 10th, 2023 is according to the invitation to the XII Open European Taekwon-Do Cup and International Taekwon-Do Cup for Children to be held on 15-18 June 2023 in  important deadline in the schedule for booking and payment for the accommodation.
Below you will find a small reminder about the important dates:

10th May 2023 – First deadline for all reservations of accommodation
10th May 2023 – Deadline for payment of 50% for accommodation
15th May 2023 – Last date to make small changes in accommodation
28th May 2023 – Deadline for the online registration

Should you have any questions do not hesitate to contact the Organizers directly or AETF office.
We will be grateful if you provide information to all interested clubs in your country.

We encaurage you to follow the official profil on Facebook: where the organizing committee is posting the most updated information.
We look forward to see you in Lublin, Poland!

Files attached:
1. Invitaiton
2. Accommodaiton Form
3. Declaration of Consent