The 38th European Taekwon-Do Championships, 29th Junior European Taekwon-Do Championships, 1st Pre-Junior European Taekwon-Do Championships will be held From 17th to 21st April 2024 in Lublin, Poland.
The competition will take place in the Sports and Entertainment hall of the Medical University of Lublin 15 Chodźki Str., 20-093 Lublin.
The date of organizing the European Taekwon-Do Championship in Poland is not accidental.
In 2024, the Polish Taekwon-Do Association will be celebrating the 50th anniversary of introducing Taekwon-Do in Poland.
Lublin already hosted the 9th Senior European Taekwon-Do Championships from 14 to 15 May 1994, and next year will mark exactly 30 years since this event.

In order to prepare well for the Euros 2024, the Organizing Committee hosted the 12th Open European Taekwon-Do Cup in June 2023, which was an opportunity to examine organizational possibilities, venue, locations, hotel facilities and to enable participants to reconnoitre.

The Polish Taekwon-Do National Team won the medal classification of the Senior European Championships 28 times and the Junior medal classification 15 times.
Time will tell whether victory will be achieved again in 2024.

For the convenience of participants and efficient communication, there is a FB profile for the European Taekwon-Do Championship 2024 at: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61553700399268. We encourage you to like and follow the profile.
Statistics and results will be available on SportData, which will be open on 1st December 2023.
The championships are open to all National Associations affiliated to All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation.
We look forward to seeing you in Lublin – the City of Inspiration – in April 2024.
Organizing Committee