A revolutionary event was held on February 10, 2024 in Thereme Olimia complex, Slovenia.
A total number of 128 athletes aged 7-9 years from Bulgaria, Romania and Slovenia participated in an innovative contest, where competed mixed teams with male and female competitors from different countries. On the official ceremony were present as official guests Roman Moscotevc – President of Taekwon-Do Club Ahac, GM Panagiotis Gialamas – member of AETF Revisory Commission, Cosmin Oprescu – ITF Board member and Yavor Tasev – AETF Secretary General who officially greeted the participants on behalf of AETF President Master Leo Oros Duek and officially opened the tournament.

The competitors had a lot of fun and finished the competition in a unique way, with medals for everyone. All guests expressed sincere gratitude to Vahid Drapic – head coach of Taekwon-Do Club Ahac and host of the event for the good organization and smooth conduction of the competition.
The competition was funded by EU Erasmus+ Program Project Taekwon-Do Beacon with № 101129915.
The next event in the project schedule will be held on June 1, 2024 in Sofia, Bulgaria and will include kids aged 10-13 years.
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