I recently had the honor of attending the key meeting of Project for the Rights No. 101133552 in Bulgaria, a collaborative effort funded by the European Community and supported by the All Europe Taekwon-Do Federation (AETF). This project brings together 10 countries—Bulgaria, Slovenia, Slovakia, Belgium, Serbia, Greece, Latvia, Poland, Romania, and Hungary—to develop and promote the values of our sport and culture across Europe.

I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to Sbn. Vencislav Ignatov, President of the Bulgarian Association of Taekwon-Do, for his exceptional leadership and hospitality, which contributed to the success of this meeting. Thanks as well to the AETF Board members in attendance: Vice President Virginia Dionisi, Secretary General Yavor Tasev, Master Muresan, Grand Master Jedut, and Sbn. Sasz, along with my special appreciation to Sbn. Cosmin Oprescu of the ITF Board.

Representing the AETF in this project is a privilege, and I look forward to continuing to work alongside these nations to strengthen Taekwon-Do throughout the region.
Master Leonardo Oros Duek
President, AETF