On 19-21 January 2023 in Park Hotel Moskva, Sofia, Bulgaria was held the Kik off meeting of project TAEKWON-DO FOR THE RIGHTS with № 101133552 co-funded by the European Union, which included a total of 10 countries. The event was organized by the coordinator of the Project Central Police Taekwon-Do club from Bulgaria and was attended by representatives from all partner organizations – International Topflight Brussels ASBL (Belgium), Sport Club Ast. Aristotelis (Greece), TKD Spirit Association (Hungary), Čin-Gu (Latvia), and Miejski Klub Sportowy Lewart AGS Lubartów (Poland), Romanian Taekwon-Do ITF Federation (Romania), Taekwon-do club Soko – Bačka Topola (Serbia), Taekwon-Do Ge-Baek Prešov (Slovakia) and TKD Ahac Šentjur (Slovenia).
The main purpose of the meeting was to discuss the planned activities of the TAEKWON-DO FOR THE RIGHTS project and receive instructions for their implementation. This is a project aims encouraging young people who actively practice sports, to increase civic participation in their communities in interaction with law enforcement agencies and to become more actively involved in public activities. Each participating team will find a role model from the National Police or other law enforcement agencies, famous male and female athletes and police officers, prominent young people with achievements in Taekwon-Do who will talk about their training regime aimed at a healthy lifestyle, the values in sport and its contribution to the professional orientation of people. Also was scheduled the sports competition for the target group of youths aged 12-17 years for 17-20 October 2024.
Special guests of the Event were Mr. Chavdar Atanasov – President of Sports Association of Ministry of Interior and Mr. Anatoli Iliev – Vice-President of Sofia – World Capital of Sports Foundation. Both of them greeted all the participants and congratulated them for their participation in this beneficial for the society initiative.
Each country was represented by leader, volunteer and law enforcement officer among which was also the AETF BD Members Master Virginia Dionisi (Vice-President), Sabum Yavor Tasev (Secretary General) and the members Master Jerzy Jedut, Sabum Peter Szasz and the ITF BD Member Sabum Cosmin Oprescu.