Seminar with GM Willy van de Mortel – Rybnik, Poland

Taekwon-Do Sport Club RCSW Fighter has a great pleasure to invite you to the first unique Taekwon-Do seminar in Poland with Grand Master Willy van de Mortel IX Dan ITF.

Date: 7-8.01.2023

Place: Sport Hall MOSiR Boguszowice, Jastrzębska Street, Rybnik, Poland

GM Willy Van de Mortel:

– began training in 1976 and is a fulltime Taekwon-Do instructor and coach

– 16 times Dutch champion

– member of National Team from 1983 – 1991

– won 146 medals

– coach of National team from Netherlands, Italy, Slovenia and New Zealand

– current the national coach for Norway for over 5 years

– trainer of top fighter: Tomaz Barada, Bianka Tapilatu, Julia Cross, Carl van Roon, Magomed Naurdinov

– member of AETF Technical Committee

– technical director of ITF Netherlands

– organizer open tournament in the Netherlands for 15 years called the “Open Dutch”

Seminar program:

– sparring (combinations, tactic of sports combat, kicks on shields)

– patterns

– self-defence Hosin Sul (on the ground, against few opponents attack, against knife or club attack, catching, hitting, kicking)

– elements of hand and foot techniques, combined sequences of hand and foot techniques

The Seminar is dedicated for Taekwon-Do students: blak belts and colour belts from 8 Gup.

Personal application with completed and signed application form with the GDPR clause should be send by e-mail at: until December 15th.

We invite you to come to Rybnik,

Łukasz Kubiak VI Dan ITF

RCSW Fighter Rybnik, Poland