On December 17-18, 2022 was held the First AETF Online Technical Course fulfilling the promise of the new AETF Board of Directors to deliver more services to our members. The event was officially opened by the President of AETF Master Leonardo Oros Duek who welcomed all participants. The Course was conducted by the AETF Technical Committee members: Master Jerzy Jedut (Poland) – Chairman, Master Lylian Doulay (France) – Member, Master Jaroslaw Suska (Poland) – Member, Master Alexandru Muresan (Romania) – Collaborator, Master Orlando Saccomanno (Italy) – Collaborator. In the 2 days of training sessions the total number of 90 participants enjoyed the detailed explanations of the patterns from Chon-Ji to Choi Yong, fundamental movements, elements of self-defense. It was very well accepted, the details given on the different types and functions of the warm-up. Also, it was shown different methods for kicking perfection and exercises for enhancement of sparring performance. On the last part of the Course called Tekwon-Do – far more than a sport Master Jedut shared his experience as long-time instructor which had a lot of practical and philosophical elements. Among the special invited guests were present Master Tadeusz Loboda – current ITF Secretary General and AETF Honorary President, GM Hector Marano and GM Lan Ung Kim – relatively Chairman and Member of ITF Technical & Instruction Committee who expressed their appreciation and satisfaction of the Course.
Waiting to see you all in the next AETF event!