Twice a year ITF-Belgium is having a seminar named the ‘Day of Taekwon-Do & Kids Day’, open to all members as from 3 years on, coloured as well as black belts.
After the line-up, the welcome and a general warming-up the participants can choose out of a number of workshops in several aspects of ITF Taekwon-Do.
After 3 hours of enjoying Taekwon-Do all particpants return back home with a certificate of participation.
The second Day of Taekwon-Do & Kids Day 2022 was organized in the south of Belgium, in Andenne, on Sunday, November 20th.
There were about 100 participants, 14 instructors conducted classes, among them also Grand Master Frank Vanberghen, Master Annick Van Driessche, Master Virginia Dionisi and Master Eddy Van Damme.